外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
外资(欧美) 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
天津瑞奇外科器械股份有限公司坐落于天津经济技术开发区,是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的专业化的自动缝合器系列产品及微创外科产品的科技型企业。其产品主要专注于微创外科手术领域,为普外、胸外、妇产科手术提供国际一流的开放式手术器械和腔镜下手术器械。目前公司在美国Cincinnati、天津和上海设有三个研发中心,致力于为全球的临床外科医生提供先进的和高质量的微创外科解决方案。瑞奇外科恪守“关爱生命、创新不止”的信条, 以高品质的产品服务于中国的临床医生和患者,一直致力于为医疗机构输送技术先进、低价的微创手术产品,为患者提供经济、可靠的微创手术治疗解决方案。在国内产品已经覆盖全国500多家医院; 在海外市场,瑞奇产品目前已经远销包括巴西、伊朗、阿根廷、土耳其、韩国、印度、希腊、智利、斯里兰卡、越南、法国、哥伦比亚、印尼、埃及、南非、立陶宛、马来西亚在内的三十几个国家。Reach Surgical, Inc., is dedicated to providing advanced medical devices and equipments for surgical procedures, through its product development centers and manufacturing bases in both USA and China.Quality of our complete product lines is our core competence. Reach Surgical, Inc. follows US c-GMP; and all our products have obtained the US FDA approvals and CE approvals. Reach Surgical, Inc. has three advanced R&D centers in Cincinnati, Ohio, Tianjin and Shanghai. We are dedicated to providing the advanced solutions of minimally invasive surgery for clinical surgeons.“Innovating for life” is what we believe in. With a professional marketing and sales team, Reach Surgical, Inc. is devoted to providing our customers products and services of the highest quality.